Choir & Music Groups
We welcomed David Darling in November 2024 as our new Director of Music.
Music is an important part of our life here at Christ Church, from the Parish Eucharist with full choir to an all age celebration with the instrumental group. Every day at Morning and Evening Prayer, simple chant is used to sing the canticles, and we have a regular cycle of concerts and recitals.
The Choir sings each Sunday at the 10am Parish Eucharist, except on the first Sunday of each month and in August. Rehearsals take place every Thursday in term time at 6.30pm. It has been great to have a recent influx of young choristers joining the choir and new singers are always welcome.
The Music Group plays at the 10am All Age Parish Eucharist on the first Sunday of each month. Music is available at least a week in advance (including transpositions for Bb instruments), and the band normally meets at 9am on the morning of the service to run through the music.
We also now have an active Junior Choir that regularly sings during our Sunday services and also recently performed at the Harrogate Competitive Festival Of Music Speech And Drama.
Our Choirs not only participate in Sunday services, but are involved in other events both at our Church and other Churches and locations in the Harrogate area. They also have the opportunity to perform alongside other Choir groups.
If you would like to find out more about either the Choir or Music Group, please simply come along to a practice or contact the Parish Office.
Lunchtime Recitals are are held regularly at Christ Church. For more information see the recitals page.