Junior Church & Creche
The Junior Church & Creche at Christ Church offers children of all ages a positive, exciting and supportive introduction to Christian faith, life and worship as a foundation for life.
Older children are given encouragement and support in preparation for Confirmation as part of a their own journey into Christian commitment.
On Sunday mornings children gather for Junior Church & Creche in the Parish Centre. Children are asked to arrive by 9:50am in readiness for the start of the service. The Junior Church & Creche join the congregation in the front pews of the church at the start and end of the 10.00am service. For the remaining time, they work across four age groups in the Parish Centre:
- Creche and Reception children:
- Year 1 and 2;
- Years 3, 4, and 5; and
- An older group consisting of years 6-9.
These groups follow a syllabus called ‘ROOTS’. By following this syllabus, the children gain a good grasp of the key events and teachings of the Bible and develop a personal relationship with Christ.
Junior Church members are asked to bring a weekly donation to the collection plate which goes to the Church funds in order to support the youth work of Christ Church. In addition, Junior Church also aims to support three charities each year – one local, one national and one international. We manage this through various events such as cake stalls and tombolas. Recently supported charities include Frank’s Fund and Open Arms Malawi.
Other activities involving Junior Church throughout the year are outlined in newsletters to parents.
If you have not previously registered with Junior Church & Creche or if your details have changed, please email us at christchurchjc@gmail.com
If you are interested in being a Leader or Helper with Junior Church & Creche, please email us at christchurchjc@gmail.com
All Age Service
Children and their families are also given the opportunity to participate together in worship through our monthly All Age Eucharist on the first Sunday of each month.
Other Activities for Young People @ Christ Church
Junior Church & Creche also hold social events and clubs such as a Summer Party, Christmas Party and Easter Holiday club which are usually fun events for the Junior Church & Creche members.
There are many events and services open to all of the Church community which are also engaging for the younger members of the Church such as the Family Carol Service, the pantomime, the Nativity Service and many more.
Young members of our Church are also encouraged to join either our Choir or Music Groups. For more information on this, please see our choir & music groups page.