Mission Partners

Christ Church has a very active ministry in local schools.

St Aidan’s Church of England High School is the largest church school in the U.K. and seeks to provide the highest quality of education in a Christian context. The vicar of Christ Church serves as a governor of the school and shares with other local clergy in the provision of the school Eucharist and seasonal services. The year 7s come on a church visit and many staff and students worship at Christ Church.

Willowtree Primary School is just down the road from Christ Church. Alongside regular assemblies by the clergy, many teachers, children and parents from the school worship at Christ Church.

The Harrogate School of Theology & Mission is a collaboration involving a number of Harrogate churches of different traditions. It provides a powerful addition to the kind of teaching each church can provide. Saturday morning lectures from nationally known academics and practitioners will help us learn better together and inspire us to grow. Please visit the website at HSTM.

We invite the Church community to bring to worship each Sunday a tin, or packet, or sachet of food, toiletries or hygiene goods. We don’t ask for anything excessive, simply one item, which perhaps you have bought with your shopping, or received through a ‘buy-one-get-one-free’ offer and which you do not require. These we will receive with great thanksgiving, and we will then pass-on to the Harrogate Homeless Project and the Harrogate Foodbank to assist them through the year with their work and ministry.

A way to live our faith

A way to give

A way to build our worship

an invitation

Our Junior Church has a long-standing association of support with Open Arms Malawi.

The charity believes that every child has a right to survival and development.  Their principal aim is to provide care to Malawi’s vulnerable children so that they can survive their first years. As soon as children have recovered their health they support their return home so that they can grow up to thrive within their home communities.

Tools with a Mission is a Christian Charity that transforms lives across Africa through the gift of skills training and tools. They collect usable donated tools, refurbish them, sort them into trade kits and send them to the developing world for livelihood creation.

Christ Church provides a tool collection point for the charity.

To find out more about TWAM please visit the website twam.uk

If you have any tools you would like to donate please bring them to the Parish Office during normal office hours. For further details please contact Mike McMaster memcaster1@gmail.com who has volunteered to be our Coordinator with TWAM and will be getting regular updates from the charity.

Across  our  special  services  through  Advent and Christmas we support the 3 charities, one local, one national and one international. During this period in 2023 we held collections and were very pleased to be able to support the following 3 charities.

There are 14 Rogers’ Almshouses which are situated in the heart of Harrogate on Belford Road. The original Almshouses face into a picturesque front garden, catching the sun throughout most of the day and providing a pleasant setting for neighbours to sit and chat.

The 12 original almshouses, built in 1868, were a gift of George Rogers, the Bradford textile manufacturer and Harrogate philanthropist. The present day Trustees have built a further 2 almshouses and in 1992, the Almshouses were refurbished to present day standards. The almshouses are available to persons from Harrogate or Bradford who are over 60 years of age. The Clock Tower is decorated with a bust of Mr Rogers and his emblem of industry – the beehive.

The Charity is managed by Trustees which include the Vicar of Christ Church.

For further information visit rogersalmshouses.org.uk