Can we marry at Christ Church?
Who is eligible to marry at Christ Church?
Many people are worried about whether they are allowed to marry in church. In fact the Church of England has worked hard to make sure that most people can marry in any church with which they have a connection.
This connection may be that you live within the Parish of Christ Church, or that you worship here. It may also be that you have a Qualifying Connection with the Parish.
Please come to talk to our Parish Clerk if you have any questions.
You may also find it helpful to visit the following websites for further information:
If you wish to find your local parish church, parish boundaries are listed by post code at the Anglican Diocesan website.
What if one or both of us have been divorced?
Divorce, except in certain circumstances, is not a barrier to getting married at Christ Church, and the Parish Clerk and the clergy will be happy to talk to you about this.
Please make contact with us and we can talk with you.
What is we already have children together or from a previous relationship
This is no barrier to getting married at Christ Church, and we are eager to support you in building your family life.
The Wedding Service
The run up to and planning of your wedding is a wonderful way of preparing for your married life together. The Wedding Service is designed to be tailored to your wishes, within a simple, helpful, and legal framework.
When you first come to talk to us about your wedding you will be given an Information pack which will include ideas for the Wedding service.
There is also a useful website that takes you through the process step by step at Ceremony Planner. This will help you think through your ideas and see how they would work best. The website also provides other resources that you may find useful, you can even listen to hymns and readings on line to check they are the ones you want, and print out a draft order of service with your own names in.
Order of service
You may wish to produce your own Order of Service, or we can print them here (including full colour options).
Again, please discuss this with the Parish Clerk or Clergy and don’t be afraid to ask any questions you may have.
A service sheet can be a wonderful keepsake and reminder of your day both for you and your guests in the years ahead.
The rehearsal
It is usual and helpful to have a walk-though of the Wedding prior to the service and the day. This is with the member of Clergy who is conducting your wedding, members of our Wedding Team and certain members of your guests.
We will guide you through a very simple rehearsal in which we check practical things such as: who will sit or stand where; where Readings will take place; and any questions or concerns you may have.
You don’t have to remember it all on the day, in fact part of the purpose of the rehearsal is to make sure that you are not anxious about the service and so give you confidence to enjoy the day.
A rehearsal can be the night before, or somewhere within the week before your Wedding Day. Close enough to be helpful, but not so close as to cause difficulty or stress.
The Parish Clerk or Clergy will take you through any questions you may have about music at your wedding.
Our organist will be very happy to meet with you and we have other musical resources including the Parish Choir if you wish to use them.
We also have a sound system for CDs/MP3/etc, and can provide details of other musicians, soloists and singers.
You are also of course warmly welcome to invite friends of yours with musical gifts to come and play and sing.
Photography or video
No additional charge is made for permission for an official photographer to take photographs in church during the service. However, if you are arranging for a video to be made of the service then an additional fee is charged due to Copyright Laws.
It is very helpful if the photographer(s) introduces themselves to the Verger/Wedding Team and the Clergy before the service, to check protocols and permissions.
Christ Church is a lovely space which has both grandeur and intimacy. Flowers can be a beautiful addition to the space and add your own touch to the day. Except in the weeks running up to Christmas and Easter, there are flower arrangements in the church arranged by the church flower arrangers and they are very happy to co-ordinate colours with you. You may want additional flowers on a pedestal and perhaps special pew ends. If you are bringing your own flowers, please speak to the Parish Clerk about times when it would be convenient for your florist to deliver them and put them in position.
For information about accessibility, please refer to our facilities page.
The balance of fees should be paid in total at least two months before the Wedding.
We accept
- cash
- cheques made payable to ‘Christ Church High Harrogate PCC’
- Bank transfers, see details on our giving page
Please ask the Parish Clerk for full details of Statutory and Local Fees.
Any additional donations to help with the continued running of this beautiful church from either yourselves or your guests would always be very gratefully accepted.
For more information, booking and enquires, please contact the Parish Clerk who can be contacted at the Parish Office via the contact details on the contact us page.
Congratulations, we look forward to hearing from you.